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Búsqueda por tema: Very large array telescopes—Congresses. 077155
Mostrando 1-2 de 2 resultados, ordenados por
1. Synthesis imaging in radio astronomy II : a collection of lectures from the Sixth NRAO/NMIMT Synthesis Imaging Summer School held at Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 17-23 June, 1998 / edited by G.B. Taylor, C.L. Carilli, and R.A. Perley. 1999 Libro
2. Synthesis imaging in radio astronomy II a collection of lectures from the Sixth NRAO/NMIMT Synthesis Imaging Summer School held at Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 17-23 June, 1998 / edited by G.B. Taylor, C.L. Carilli, and R.A. Perley. 1999 Libro

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